I'll try and post a few pictures but my camera hasn't been working too great lately so I don't have too many. Alright for some reason I am having troubles downloading and posting pictures from Christmas so here are some fun pictures from last semester's many adventures. The first and two pics are from the movie night Kim, Ann, and I had before Thanksgiving break when everyone was already gone:) We had root beer floats, homemade pizza and a Mission impossible marathon...good times:) The last is from the BYU basketball game:)
Alright, well that's the update for now. As soon as I get my camera to download I'll post some pics from the holidays. Thanks to everyone for the fun break, love you all so much!
Love it Lynds. You are so beautiful, do you realize that? Goodness girl. You make me miss all the fun girl times we had (as well as all the sister times we used to have!). Love you.